Saturday, 28 January 2012


I don't know why, but last night in bed I had an overwhelming urge to start a new sketchbook. I haven't used one for such a long time, and I was a little scared this morning when starting, but alas I made it through! I'm a big fan of making books from scratch, so making the pages and binding them together was the first step. Then I just played around with some paint and simple sketches and finished up with some artist research, followed on from my trip the the London Art Fair last weekend. Highly enjoyable.

Let's get back to basics.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Standing tall

My friend and I have a slightly odd obsession with wind turbines. I don't really know why, apart from the fact that they just look so graceful and serene and modern, next to the backdrop of the green and blue colours of nature.

Nature and Technology combined. Beautiful.

Birthday Flowers

Somebody very special bought me some very beautiful flowers for my birthday last week. This is the reflection of them against my bedroom wall.

Stunning what nature can do.