Friday 28 January 2011

Birthday Present for Becca

Just a little something to celebrate the onset of old age for my dear friend Becca. I re-used some old bits of decorative tissue paper and ribbons, collaged them all together and set the sewing machine on it. Together with a freshly painted frame, it came together quite nicely.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Moving Images 3

What will become of us riding these lonely midnight trains?
I ask myself each time I take a seat and gaze both longingly and contently out of the large windows. The world beyond moves so fast but I stay completely still, lost in a moment only I can explain.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Secret Santa Exhibition

The works culminated in a small exhibition at Manchester's Not Part Of exhibition. So effective seeing them all together.

This is also the one I made for my dear friend Bethany.

More Secret Santa

Secret Santa

This year for Christmas I gave each one of my amazing 11 girlfriends a 6x6in canvas, a secret name and some simple instructions. Do something for that person on the canvas, anything you like, using any materials you desire, and send it to them to be opened on Christmas day. Their reactions were mixed; a combination of fear and excitement and how many times did I hear "I'm not very creative!" Unsuprisingly, they all surpased themsleves and created the most fantastic and meaningful work I have seen for a long time, and the results were far better than anything I could ever do singlehandedly. It was amazing hearing how many of them really enjoyed the making process and engaging with an activity which felt quite alien to them. The best part was hearing how proud they all were of themsleves, and happy the canvases made the recipients. I nearly cried when I opened mine. Thankyou Holly. So much joy to be gained from a simple 6x6 inches.

Monday 3 January 2011

Art Car Boot Fair

What a genius idea...because art should be for everybody.

Moving Images 2

Another view from the train window. This was on my way home for Christmas from Manchester to Milton Keynes. Not quite as intricate as the previous, but I really like the black arch running through the middle, captured as the train entered a long dark tunnel. It's a brave element, which I wouldn't ordinarily feel comfortable inserting. That's the beauty of drawing on moving transport....there's no time to think about what's going on the paper. Just do it.

Finished off this evening, while listening to Iggy Pop. Hence the Lust For Life. Which I certainly have at the moment.

Happy 2011.